Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sick and Sad

so we we have rid our house of sickness.

we left for the Thanksgiving weekend to visit Renee (sweet visit - thank you) and to escape the bug.
Giselle got it a couple of weeks ago and survived like a champ. she kicked it after 7 hour of vomiting. After a couple of days it just seemed like a bad dream. We all got back on track and I caught back up on my sleep...

Then the night before Thanksgiving as Richard and I were watching a movie I heard a strange sound come from the monitor at around 10:30pm... "oh no!!!" I exclaimed as I ran up the stairs (what did people do before monitors??) I found Neomi laying in her puke looking up at me in the dark. SO SAD. every 15 minutes she continued to throw up - for HOURS.
The night dragged on and even though she smiled after each session she was sick till 5:30pm the next day.

I am so grateful that Giselle had it first - i felt like a professional caregiver at this point.
Neomi didn't want to nurse for two days. my milk supply was way confused and i have to say that just today that I feel back to normal.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Growing up

Neomi looks so big in this picture...

...she looks so small in this picture.

Neomi's first carrot nibble

Giselle in her favorite outfit - her p.j.'s.

Giselle pretty much lives in her p.j's unless we have to go out and about.
This is her longest telephone conversation ever.
She is talking with her Aunt Barb.

I guess we are all growing up.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Neomi is 5 months...

November has been an incredible month so far with blue skies and mild weather.
We try to get out every opportunity we get. On Tuesday Neomi turned 5 months.

video of neomi on the swing

gigi really wanted to show off her toes

Friday, November 2, 2007

Cutie Patootie

Thursday, November 1, 2007


at the beginning of the evening we were torn between staying at home and handing out treats or going out and hitting up our neighbors for treats. in the end we split up - Richard staying home to hand out the goodies and Giselle and I toured around with our next door neighbors Troy & Kate and their two pirates Sam and Joe....

upon our return we had a raging Halloween party - a round of pin the tail on the pumpkin and a fishing game. thank you everyone for coming. it was so much fun.

Richard, Neomi and Giselle's pumpkins

Maman's pumpkin

the one and only Puss in Boots

fishing for treats

a friendly Vampire

Kate, Troy and pirate Richard
(Kate is due any minute now...)

Chelsea, Dana, & Stella

Waldorf Fall Festival

there was a fall festival at the Waldorf School the other day. the kids went on a walk , they chose a pumpkin to take home, drank warm cider and played in the sunny fall weather.

Giselle's Miss Laura

Hanging out on the playground

searching for honey sticks in the hay (not so easy!)

Neomi, her hand and her father - she has all she needs

D&D Ranch

Bernie and Diane came down for the weekend to prepare for their final move to Whistler. We had a great visit and the weather was perfect for picking out pumpkins at the Double D Ranch in Tumalo. Papa B and Mimi arrived safely in Whistler and have unpacking to look forward to now!

Papa B and Giselle with the bucking bronco

the girls in the Sun

this poor mama pig has her work cut out for her - i feel for her

a good round of "Farmer Brown let me down"

a little mouse in the hay