Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sick and Sad

so we we have rid our house of sickness.

we left for the Thanksgiving weekend to visit Renee (sweet visit - thank you) and to escape the bug.
Giselle got it a couple of weeks ago and survived like a champ. she kicked it after 7 hour of vomiting. After a couple of days it just seemed like a bad dream. We all got back on track and I caught back up on my sleep...

Then the night before Thanksgiving as Richard and I were watching a movie I heard a strange sound come from the monitor at around 10:30pm... "oh no!!!" I exclaimed as I ran up the stairs (what did people do before monitors??) I found Neomi laying in her puke looking up at me in the dark. SO SAD. every 15 minutes she continued to throw up - for HOURS.
The night dragged on and even though she smiled after each session she was sick till 5:30pm the next day.

I am so grateful that Giselle had it first - i felt like a professional caregiver at this point.
Neomi didn't want to nurse for two days. my milk supply was way confused and i have to say that just today that I feel back to normal.

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