Friday, March 14, 2008

Cirque du Soleil

Last weekend on a sunny Sunday we were lucky enough to see Corteo - Cirque du Soleil's new performance. We met up with the Perlingieri family in Portland for an incredible show. The kids were mesmerized by the performance and Neomie didn't say a word for an hour (except for a few joyful squeals here and there). It was a beautiful day and a mind blowing show.

Isadore, Mayan and Giselle

Mayan, Giselle, Neomie and Isadore during intermission

Sophie the Giraffe (cont.)

Sophie the Giraffe had been of tour with us for the past 8 months now. She has found herself on planes, trains and our automobiles.

riding shotgun

enjoying the view

Neomie and her Sophie the Giraffe

it is a love affair

Thursday, March 13, 2008

At the Tea House

Giselle and I had a date. we went to the teahouse. Each time we go we try a different kind of tea. we are getting to be quite the connoisseurs.

A Sunny Day at Drake Park

In Bend feeding the ducks is a daily ritual for some.

Giselle scores some bread from a stranger

the ducks fill up on yummy processed white bread

Neomie's first ride in the stroller. Her first sign is duck.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kaya and Me


Neomie gets pampered

Neomie got her first massage the other day. She was really relaxed and she really enjoyed it. Laura Elmore is very talented at baby massage and she gave me a few really good tips...