Thursday, May 8, 2008

Neomie at 10 months

Neomie has a tooth now. It finally popped out at 10 1/2 months. She loves to blow kisses, wave Hi and Bye, she does the hand sign for duck and nursing. she likes to feed herself and her favorite food is avocado. Her favorite toy is Sophie the Giraffe and Giselle's doll Kaya.

Neomie loves jumping on the couch, dancing to music, playing the piano and playing in the tipi outside.

She loves going on long walks and only takes one nap a day. She sleeps at least 12 hours at night and whenever she is cranky the only thing sure to make her laugh is Giselle - her true love.

Make sure to check out the video of Neomie playing the piano...

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