Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Neomi in Action

Snow Angels

Hazel turns 95

This is my mother's mother. Hazel Normandeau.
She just celebrated her 95th birthday.
Her favorite food is a big steak and her favorite drink is Crown Royal.
She cracks her self up with the craziest jokes.
She is one cool lady.

Christmas Day

Papa and Neomi

Neomi lights up the room

Off to Canada

We made it to Windsor!
We arrived in a snow storm.
Marielle picked us up at the airport and drove us to Papa's house.
Renee, Brett, Emma and Julien joined us there 2 days later.

off to the airport

sister journey

Marielle and Giselle

Papa and Mimi Normandeau

Mimi, Neomi, Giselle and Aunt Helen

Neomi, Renee and Mimi Normandeau

Neomi and Aunt Helen

Giselle and Aunt Betsy

Windsor at sunset

Mateo and Giselle

Neomi naps

Christmas elves

three sisters

Our little Firefly

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

We have our tree up and glowing. It is so beautiful and it brings so much joy into our house.
Giselle couldn't understand why we wouldn't let her sleep under the tree... When I was a kid I used to lie under my tree for hours basking in the colored lights. Something magical about those Christmas trees.

Thanksgiving Weekend

We took a little mini vacation on Thanksgiving weekend.
We went to Dexter Oregon!
The first day we spent alone and then the Bisnaire - Wakeham gang joined us on Saturday afternoon after their return from Arizona.

she is in disguise...

Emma treated us to a concert

the girls looking like little ladies

Julien looking cute in stripes

Saturday, December 1, 2007

sitting up - not spitting up

Neomi is way into her new toy. This was Gigi's and she did the EXACT same thing!

Keeping Warm

It's starting to feel a lot like Winter.